Page 15 - Crestwood Park Primary School
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Getting involved
Links with Parents
Crestwood Park operates an ‘Open Door’ policy for parents. There are weekly assemblies to which all parents are invited. There are termly ‘Fabulous inishes’ where classes work together to celebrate their theme and all parents are invited to his. There are open mornings and an annual open day and parents can sample a normal school day as well as a delicious lunch.
Detailed information available from the school oice about the curriculum in every year group as well as lealets on how to help your children with their reading. Similar helpful hints guides are currently being developed
for both writing and maths. Workshops are held as well to inform parents about national testing such as the Year Two and Six SATs and annual phonic screening in Year One.
We also hold annual events such as Christmas Fayres and Summer Fayres and cannot run these without parental support. These events raise money for all the extras in school and if you want to get involved just ask at the school oice.
If you have any concerns we always aim to deal with these as quickly as possible. At the last questionnaire 100% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that staf are friendly, helpful and approachable. 96% said any concerns they had were dealt with swiftly. The 4% (2
parents) included one who commented they didn’t know because they had never had any concerns!.
The Governing Body consists of representatives of parents, teachers and the Local Education Authority. They work closely with the staf and Senior Leadership Team to support the school and plan its strategic developments.
Do you want to be a Governor?
If you want to be a school governor, please contact the school oice. 15