Page 9 - Crestwood Park Primary School
P. 9
Communicating with parents
Parents are made very welcome in the
school. We feel communication is key to developing good links with home and
school. We produce weekly newsletters with information for parents on school activities and forthcoming dates, achievements and important notices. We also use a text system to communicate with parents and send home regular letters with children.
Our website contains additional important information on uniform and term dates and provides you with direct access to our latest OFSTED report.
We ofer many formal opportunities for parents throughout the year to meet with teachers to discuss their concerns and review their child’s progress. We hold termly parents’ evenings and provide regular reports on each child’s progress. The Spring Term report is a subject report and at the end of the year there is a general, more personal report, including their achievement and progress.
Family assemblies
Assembly is an important part of the school day when we meet together as a community. We have weekly praise assemblies where children are chosen to receive awards for their achievements based on diferent themes
such as ‘marvellous mathematicians’ or ‘being a good team player’. This is always a ‘sharing’ time when we celebrate all kinds of achievements including academic success, personal achievements and sports reports.
These weekly praise assemblies are held as ‘family assemblies’ each Friday afternoon and we welcome parents along to join us for an enjoyable way to learn about your children’s achievements. They are a great way to help us and your children to celebrate their successes. 9

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