Page 26 - FSU Prospectus 2023 4
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support work in the classroom by visits to local churches and other religious
institutions. We focus on a range of world religions including Christianity.
Our assemblies bring us together with a sense of community. Acts of worship
are required by law to be of a broadly Christian basis, but we use themes that
are common to other faiths, such as caring and helping one another, as well as
sharing stories from particular faiths.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the
religious education and collective worship provided by the school. We invite
parents with a concern in this area to discuss the matter with the
Headteacher. It is our aim that all of the children in our care will take part
in the religious education and worship we provide.
Design Technology
Design Technology is becoming increasingly important in today’s society. We
aim to develop a critical awareness of our environment, fostering curiosity,
ingenuity and imagination through personal involvement with ideas and
materials. The children design and plan build and evaluate the success of
different objects, using a wide range of resources. At all times we encourage
the children to make use of what they already know of the technological world.
Modern Foreign Languages
In key stage 2 children are taught French, this progresses from learning
vocabulary, phrases and full sentences to writing short amounts. The subject
is taught by class teachers, with support from a Specialist Language Teacher
from a local secondary school.
From September 2021, the Department for Education requires all maintained
Primary schools to deliver the new Relationships and Sex Education curriculum.
Both Health Education and Relationships Education are compulsory, as is the
sex education programme delivered through the Science curriculum. Our
curriculum at Blanford Mere reflects the school’s ethos and encourages pupils
to have:
• Respect for themselves
• Respect for others
• Responsibility for their own actions
• Responsibility for their family, friends and wider community
Blanford Mere Primary School – Prospectus 2024 - 25 Updated 17.7.2024 25