Page 7 - School Times
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art, craft and design. At Brook we value the contribution of the arts to the curriculum and the
positive impact they can have on our health and wellbeing.
Sport and Physical Education
PE has an important place in the school day and the importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle
is one of the main aims of physical education at our school. All children have access to high
quality provision in PE and sport. Whether your child likes taking part ‘for fun’, or thrives through
positive competition, we aim to offer high quality experiences for every student, regardless of their
At Brook, we recognise the positive impact of sport on the mental
and physical wellbeing of our children. We
value competitiveness and a desire to succeed but not at the
expense of fair play and good sportsmanship. Our children will have
experience of a wide range of sporting activities, being delivered by
well trained staff and coaches. Children will learn fundamental skills which can be used across a
variety of sports. Our children will be encouraged to develop enthusiasm for PE and fitness
through our curriculum and be inspired to take up sports in their own time. Brook children will be
able to talk with authority about keeping a healthy lifestyle, using appropriate language and
Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Citizenship (PHSE)
At Brook, our aim is for all our children to become good citizens and to play a positive and
successful role within our society – both in the present and the future. A Brook child will be
respectful of others and have strong, positive values. They will be independent and show
resilience when things are difficult. Our children will be confident and able to express their opinions
in an assured and respectful manner. They will have developed life skills for the future and have a
good sense of self. Our children will know how to keep themselves and others safe and be able to
maintain positive relationships and friendships.
PHSE education within our school aims to provide opportunities for pupils to develop the skills,
knowledge and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy independent lives and become
active and informed citizens.
Religious Education
Religious Education is a core subject which is taught following the guidelines of the agreed
‘Dudley Agreed Syllabus’.
At Brook we value diversity and difference. Our children will be confident speakers when sharing
respectful and thoughtful ideas and opinions. They are tolerant of others’ beliefs and are able
to live in harmony with all the different groups of people they meet. Our children will be
knowledgeable about the main religions and be able to make their own minds up about what they
do or do not believe in. Our children will understand the concept of faith and will be able
to confidently articulate what it means to them.
Brook Primary Prospectus – 2024/25