Page 2 - Prospectus
P. 2

Welcome to Netherbrook Primary School.

            Although it is difficult to do justice to our school in a prospectus, this booklet is designed

            to provide you with information which will give you an insight into the organisation,
            staffing, curricular and extra-curricular activities which your child will be able to enjoy
            whilst at Netherbrook.

            Your child’s education is the responsibility we share with you, and we encourage a
            strong partnership between home and school.  We both have the same aims.  We both
            want your child to be happy, successful and reach as high a standard as is possible in
            everything s/he undertakes.  Working together we can achieve this.

            We pride ourselves on the high standard of care, work and discipline that we achieve
            at Netherbrook, through encouraging mutual respect and responsibility amongst our

            Visit our website to find out much, much more:

            If you have any queries about the prospectus or anything else you wish to discuss,
            please do not hesitate to contact me.

            Yours sincerely

            Mr P Rawlings
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