Page 21 - Red-Hall-Prospectus 2022
P. 21

Charges The Governing Body has agreed to the following policy for covering the costs of any visit or
activities. This policy is in response to the Education Reform Act 1989. Parents will be charged for any
loss or damage to school property at a level which meets the cost of replacement. Parents will be
charged for any visit or activity which takes place mainly or totally outside school hours and which does
not relate to the child's lessons. For all other activities and visits where costs are incurred by the school,
parents are likely to be asked to make a voluntary contribution. A contribution may be requested for:

    o visits/activities which take place wholly or mainly in school hours or which are related to the
         child's lessons;

    o the cost of ingredients or materials used in practical lessons.
All contributions are voluntary. Parents will always be informed by letter when a visit or activity
incurring costs is planned. The letter will indicate the amount requested by the school. Parents who are
unable to contribute to the cost of an activity are asked to contact the Headteacher or Deputy
Headteacher to discuss the matter in confidence.
Complaints Procedure In the first instance, any concerns parents/carers have should be discussed with
the class teacher and if not, resolved with the Phase Leader. If the matter is still not addressed concerns
should be taken to the Headteacher. If the concern is not resolved, a formal complaint (in writing) can
be made to the Chair of Governors. This is the first stage of the complaint procedure. A copy of this is
available on the school website or a paper copy, upon request from the School Office.

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