Page 20 - FSU Prospectus 2023 4
P. 20


There will be times when you are not sure whether to send your child to school.
The principle should be that you look after your child at home if they are

Our Medicines Policy states: most antibiotic medicine will not need to be
administered during school hours. Three times a day doses should be given in
the morning before attending school, after the school day finishes and at
bedtime. It should only normally be necessary to give antibiotics in school if
the dose needs to be given four times a day, in which case a dose is needed
at lunchtime.

Prescription medicines will only be administered regularly to children with
chronic illness e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, ADHD etc. Individual cases
should be discussed with the Headteacher. If your child suffers from asthma,
you need to ask your doctor to prescribe two inhalers –to be kept permanently
at school. In cases of sickness and diarrhoea, children must not return to
school until they have been clear for a minimum of 48 hours, however parents
need to ring school before 9.05am on a daily basis throughout the illness.

In the event of minor illness during school time, children will be looked after
in school. Minor injuries are dealt with when they arise, but it is essential
that the school have up to date details as to where parents can be reached in
any emergency. This information needs to be revised when you change your
address, job or telephone number.
It is essential that we have a minimum of 2 up-to-date emergency

                         THE CURRICULUM

The National Curriculum

In all State schools in England and Wales children follow the National
Curriculum. This consists of:

Core Subjects            Behaviour Curriculum

Blanford Mere Primary School – Prospectus 2024 - 25  Updated 17.7.2024  19
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