Page 6 - Bleakhouse Primary Prospectus 22 - 23
P. 6
Children’s Welfare
“Pupils feel safe, and are safe, in school.”
“The arrangements for safeguarding are effective”
“Staff understand that pupils’ safety and well-being is their top priority.
A culture of care pervades the whole school”
“Relationships are excellent”
“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good.”
(Ofsted, 2017).
The safety and well-being of the children who attend this school is paramount to all who work here.
The class teacher is responsible for the general welfare of your child and they will take care of their
day-to-day needs. Overall responsibility lies with the Head Teacher. If you are concerned about, or
require further information about, your child’s welfare in school or any other issue of pastoral care,
please make an appointment to discuss this with your child’s teacher. The Head Teacher, Senior
Deputy Head Teacher or Assistant Head are also available for consultation.
If your child is unwell please do not send medicine to school as we are unable to administer it. If you
wish to administer it yourself then please make arrangements with the Head Teacher first. If it is
essential for child to have medicine in school you will be asked to complete forms in line with the
Medicine Policy. A copy of this policy is available upon request. Children who come to school will
be expected to participate in PE, Games and Swimming.
Asthma sufferers are permitted to bring inhalers (with their names clearly marked on them) for their
own use. Each child prescribed with an inhaler carries their own so that they are easily accessible at
all times. Parents are responsible for ensuring inhalers are not empty or out-of-date. Please ensure
the school remains informed about any changes in your child’s diagnosis of asthma as an emergency
inhaler is available for children if Parents have previously given their consent for this to be used.
If your child is too ill to attend school, please contact the school first thing in the morning giving the
reason for the absence. If we do not receive a telephone call or other notification on the first day of
an absence we will telephone to find out why your child is absent from school. This is part of the
school’s management of absence strategy and is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the
children in our care.
If your child requires treatment from a doctor or dentist during school time please let the class
teacher or one of our school secretaries know the previous day. Also if you need a meal or sandwich
place on that day please ensure that you contact the secretary so that this can be arranged.
We endeavour to ensure that your child enjoys school and works to reach his/her full potential in a
safe, caring, secure and stimulating environment. To help us achieve this we have a number of
systems designed to ensure that your child’s time at Bleakhouse Primary School is happy and
successful. These include: the School Council, with representatives from each class who meet
regularly to promote children’s contribution to the decision making process in school; Buddies, who
help children who are upset or who may need some guidance as they play and Prefects and Monitors
with responsibilities that enhance the smooth running of the school.
“Pupils understand how to stay safe and live a healthy lifestyle.”
(OfSTED, 2017)
“All statutory safeguarding requirements are met with the culture for
safeguarding permeating through the whole school curriculum.”
(School Improvement Advisor Report, 2022)
Bleakhouse Primary School