Page 9 - Bleakhouse Primary Prospectus 22 - 23
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Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability

About 20% of children will experience difficulties with learning at some stage in their
school career. At the present time there 13.3% of the pupils have SEN compared to 12.2%
nationally. The majority will get over these problems but for some these difficulties
remain for a longer period and have an adverse effect on their learning. There are now five
pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (3.7% of the SEN population to 3.7%
At Bleakhouse Primary School we offer a great deal of help and support for those children
identified with Special Educational Needs. We base our provision on the Code of Practice
for Special Educational Needs 2014 in conjunction with Sandwell Local Authority.
We have a whole school, inclusive approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability
which involves the teaching staff and focuses on support with special needs within the class.
Occasionally, children are withdrawn from class for short periods to complete specific tasks.
Our inclusion work has been recognised through the Sandwell SEND Quality Mark at
Platinum Level.
We have successfully integrated children with physical difficulties; moderate learning
difficulties; social, emotional and mental health difficulties into school. There are specially
adapted toilets for children with Special Needs or Disability and we have three portable
ramps that ease access into the rooms with steps.
In this way we aim to provide all our children with equal access to an education which is
broad, balanced, realistic, relevant and differentiated to meet the learning needs of the
individual child and which seeks maximum participation in the curriculum.

              “Teachers and teaching assistants provide high-quality support.”
 “Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities are given well targeted

        and appropriate support depending on their particular needs.”
 “Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make good

                                progress.” (Ofsted, 2017)

                                     The Curriculum

We aim to provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum that is tailored
to meet the individual needs of every child. Our curriculum is constantly evolving and is
updated and modified to suit the needs of the children at Bleakhouse Primary School.
Whilst at school the children work on aspects of the 2021 Statutory Framework for the Early
Years Foundation Stage and the 2014 National Curriculum. Particular emphasis is placed on
the teaching and learning of English and Maths as well as the development of the children’s
Computing capability, Science and Religious Education. Other areas of the curriculum
include History, Geography, Design and Technology, Music, Art and Design, Languages
(French), Physical Education and Personal, Social and Health Education which incorporates
Citizenship. The subjects are taught using a thematic approach.

           “Pupils make good progress from their starting points across all subjects.”
                               “The curriculum is carefully planned.”

                       “Pupils’ attitudes to learning are excellent and they
                     take pride in the work they do in class” (Ofsted, 2017)

                                                                                            Bleakhouse Primary School
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