Page 10 - Prospectus 24-25
P. 10

Organisation and Teaching Time

Each week children receive 21 hours and 55 minutes teaching time including Religious
Education but excluding time spent on collective worship, registration and breaks. The
children are arranged into sixteen mixed ability classes, two in each year group and are
grouped according to their ability for the daily English and Maths Lessons. All lessons are
carefully planned and the activities are differentiated so as to cater for the differing abilities
and needs of the children.

                                      Home Learning

Children are encouraged to take their reading books home to read to their parents for about
20 minutes each day. They are required to do other Home Learning which is designed to
support and extend the themes covered in class. Children will receive up to 3 pieces of
Home Learning each week. Home Learning is recorded in a Home Learning Log, which
parents are asked to sign. Details of our approach to Home Learning are in the Home
Learning Policy available on the school website.

                        Assemblies and Religious Education

The school is a non-denominational community primary school. The Religious Education
follows the agreed syllabus (SACRE) and the children learn about different religions,
customs and beliefs from a factual perspective. Collective worship takes place each day and
is generally Christian in nature. Parents may exercise their right to withdraw their child from
RE and/or collective worship and these children will be catered for elsewhere in school.

                                       Sex Education

From time to time the children may work on topics relating to Hygiene, Health and
Development Matters and relationships and sex education is part of our Jigsaw PSHE
curriculum. Children’s questions are answered sympathetically, however, if and when they
arise in the course of their lessons.


The children’s progress, throughout the curriculum, is carefully monitored and assessed.
Targets for improvement in English and maths are shared with the children and reviewed
regularly. Assessment takes place through the focused marking of work including Live
Marking, formative assessment as the children complete series of lessons and summatively
at the end of a topic or term.
A more formal Assessment Period takes place in the Summer Term each year, around the
same time that Year 2 Teacher Assessment and Year 6 children take the Standard
Assessment Tests (SATs) in May. Please make sure your child is in school at this time.
By the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) children are now tested in English and maths.

                                                                                            Bleakhouse Primary School
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