Page 5 - Prospectus 24-25
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Early Years Foundation Stage
Before children join their classes at the start of their Early Years journey staff meet parents
and their child at in settings or at home.
There is a 26 place Nursery. Most children attend for 15 hours each week (three hours a
day). There are some limited full-time places available (30 hours) for eligible working
Reception has two classes of 30 children in each. Parents need to complete a Sandwell
Application to request a place in Reception for their child. This also applies for parents who
have a Nursery place for their child. Information will be sent out by the school when it is
received from the Local Authority.
Purposeful play is a very important part of the Early Years Curriculum. During each day the
children take part in both child initiated and adult-led learning experiences. Each child has
an identified key worker who talks to parents about their child’s progress and will ask
parents to contribute to a shared understanding each child’s achievements and the next steps
to take in their learning.

                                       Early Years School Times:
                                     Morning: 8:45a.m.-11:45a.m.
                                    Afternoon: 12:15p.m.-3:15p.m.
                       Reception and Full Time Nursery: 8:45a.m.-3:15p.m.
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