Page 6 - FSU Prospectus 2023 4
P. 6

School Uniform and PE Kit

 Children from Reception should wear the school uniform. Nursery children are encouraged to do
  so too to feel they are a part of the whole school. All children need a pair of wellington boots for
wet and poor weather days when using our outdoor area. We ask that children have spare clothes
  in case of accidents and a Charlton PE kit kept in a carrier bag or drawstring bag on their peg.
   (Unfortunately, we do not have the space for rucksacks in the cloakroom area.) They will also

                           need a water bottle and separate Book Bag to bring daily.
                 All belongings need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name please.

                                               Information about EYFS
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care
of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must

  follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school Reception classes.
          The principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage are grouped into four themes:

A Unique Child     Positive       Enabling    Learning &
                Relationships  Environments  Development

                                                      A Unique Child
   Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable and self-assured.

                                                Positive Relationships
Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with

                                             parents and/or a key person.
                                               Enabling Environments

The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development & learning.
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