Page 11 - Prospectus
P. 11

Governing Body

            Chair:                       Mr A Thompson (Co-opted Governor)
            Vice Chair:                  Mrs C Stringer (Co-opted Governor)
            Headteacher Governor:        Mr P Rawlings
            Local Authority Governor:    Mr N Smith
            Staff Governor:              Mrs T Wilkes
            Parent Governors:            Mrs C Homer, Mrs R Morrison, Mr L Salter,
            Co-opted Governors:          Mrs J Barfoot, Mrs A Bowen, Mrs R Fisher, Mrs T Parfitt
            Observers/Advisors:          Mrs L Frost (Deputy Headteacher) Mrs S Leigh (Financial Advisor)
            Clerks to Governors:         Mrs J Snow, Mrs S Thompson

            The Governing Body is made up of a number of committees which report back to the full governing
            body. These are:

            1) The Finance and General Purposes Committee (FGP) which deals with budget setting, spending
            and financial matters.  It also deals with issues regarding the premises and Health and Safety.

            2) The Curriculum, Policies and Practices Committee (CPP) which oversees the curriculum and the
            development of effective policies and practices within the school.

            3) The Pay Committee (PC) which deals with staff appointments and pay.

            4) The School Improvement and Standards Committee (SIS) which deals with the progress of the
            pupils and improvement of the school.

            Ad Hoc committees:
              These committees are formed from members of existing committees if there is a need for them:

            4) The Appeals Committee which deals with issues of discipline and complaint.

            5) The Pupil Discipline Committee which deals with issues of pupil discipline and complaint
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