Page 12 - Prospectus
P. 12

Curriculum and Organisation

            All classes in the school are mixed ability according to age. Literacy is taught in class sets but some
            additional groups are used to target pupils for extra support at times. Numeracy is taught in sets from
            Year 1 to Year 6.

            The school receives children at 3 years of age into the Early Years Foundation Stage, and they then
            move through Key Stage 1 (the infant department) to Key Stage 2 (the junior department).

            The children follow a broad and balanced curriculum with emphasis given to the core subjects of
            English, Mathematics and Science. A programme of foundation subjects is also studied in both key
            stages.    These  are:  Information  and  Communication  Technology,  Religious  Education,  History,
            Geography, Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education and Modern Foreign Languages.

            A further group of cross curricular studies is now taken.  These may form part of the existing subjects
            or may be taught separately.  The cross curricular subjects are Environmental Studies, Health (and
            Safety), Citizenship and Economic Awareness.

            Every effort is made to create a stimulating, interesting, varied and challenging curriculum for your
            child.  Our expectations of the children are high and the results we achieve reflect the hard work and
            dedication of the staff here.

            Each subject has a co-ordinator who is particularly responsible for the development of that subject,
            though all staff teach all subjects to their class or group.  From Year 2 onwards the children are
            ‘grouped’ within their year group for Mathematics.  The groups with children requiring extra help have
            the  additional  support  of  the  SEN  Coordinator,  and/or  the  Teaching  Assistant  during  the  English

            The ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme for developing phonics and reading skills is run each morning
            with Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children.

            Mrs Reeve (Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Daly (Learning Mentor) and Mrs Hope (Forest School Lead)
            run a SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) programme with small groups of children who
            need it in the Nurture Room otherwise known as ‘The Den’.

             Additional Literacy and Numeracy support is given to those children requiring it. Booster groups are
            run to assist children at risk of falling behind with their learning.

            Work is carefully planned by each member of staff for the varying abilities of the children in their care.
            Planning  is  in  line  with  the  current  National  Curriculum,  English  and  Mathematics  framework
            requirements. School schemes of work for each other subjects are based on  the revised National

            These policies, guidelines and schemes of work are available in school for parents to borrow if they
            wish. Many are also available on our school website:
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