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About Us...

                                 This is a Local Authority Nursery School staffed by qualified
                                 teachers, nursery nurses and support staff, many of whom have
                                 obtained additional qualifications. Brearley Nursery School
                                 opened in 1939 and was the first purpose built Nursery School in
                                 Birmingham. In November 2004 we were designated as
                                 Birmingham’s first Children’s Centre.
                                 Our nursery provides 220 places, some full time some part time
                                 on the Brearley site, and at present is open during term time. It
                                 stands in large grounds and has a large outside play area with
                                 both grass and hard surfaces. Over the past few years there
                                 has been extensive planting of trees and shrubs and upgrading
                                 of equipment to establish a learning environment that mirrors
                                 opportunities available inside. It has four well-equipped class-
                                 rooms, a resources room and a soft play area. We have a large
                                 kitchen area redeveloped which provides a large space for
                                 cooking and dining. School meals are cooked on site.
                                 The Local EducationAuthority funds the Nursery, with the budget
                                 delegated to the school. We have our own
                                 governing body, which has been reorganised so that it is able
                                 to oversee this budget as well as the development of the whole
                                 school. Since January 2018 we no longer receive children’s Centre
                                 funding due to the re-organisation of children’s centre’s but the aim
                                 was, and still is, to serve the local community. This is an exciting
                                 "journey" for us and as a school we will continue to offer provision
                                 for 2-4 year olds all the year round.
                                 Family support services can now be accessed at Soho Children’s
                                 Centre, Tel-551 9020.
                                 The last four consecutive OFSTED inspections have described the
                                 school as "outstanding" and it has been identified in a report of
                                 the country’s most successful schools.As part of a government
                                 initiative, the school was awarded Beacon school status in
                                 September 2001. This means we were able to support other
                                 settings as well as having visitors observing good practice.
                                 We continue this work through the Birmingham Teaching
                                 Schools and we receive visitors from a wide range of setting
                                 and share good practice to other professionals.
                                 We also have an alternative provision base, or children await-
                                 ing reception school place and who will benefit from working
                                 in smaller groups with a tailored curriculum to meet their

*Above: Photos taken and manipulated by children from Blue Room, as part of the Language of Photography Project
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