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What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

TheEarlyYearsFoundationStageisthefirst stage of the National Curriculum           Why is the Early Years
focusingonthedistinctneedsofchildrenfrom birth to the end of reception year       Foundation Stage important?
in primaryschool, when children are over 5 years old. The curriculum in the Ear-
ly YearsFoundationStageisconstructed toenable children to work towards and        TheEarlyYearsFoundationStageisbasedon comprehensive
achieve the early learning goals. These goals are what most children are ex-
pected to achieve by the end of their time in reception class. They are           researchabouthowyoung children learn. It recognises that
                                                                                  children learn best through play and firsthand experiences, by
organised into the Educational Programmes and the Early learning goals:           exploring the worldaroundthem,askingquestions,extending
                                                                                  their skills and developing confidence. TheEarlyYearsFounda-
Educational Programmes: The development of children’s spoken lan-                 tionStage makessurethat children are not introduced to formal
guage underpins all seven areas of learning and development.                      learning too early. Rather it makes earlyeducation evenmore
                                                                                  excitingand enjoyable, equipping them with the motivation to
Personal,SocialandEmotionalDevelopment,:                                          want to go on learning for the rest of their lives!

Children’s personal, social and emotional development                             TheEarlyYearsFoundationStageis based oncomprehensive
(PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy
lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive develop-                             researchabouthowyoung children learn. It recognises that
                                                                                  children learn best through play and firsthand experiences,
CommunicationandLanguage:Children’s back-and-                                     by exploring the worldaroundthem,askingquestions,
forth interactions from an early age form the
                                                                                  extending their skills and developing confidence. The Early
foundations for language and cognitive development.                               Years FoundationStagemakessurethat children are not intro-
                                                                                  duced to formal learning too early. Rather it makes early
Physical Development:Physical activity is vital in                                educationevenmoreexciting and enjoyable, equipping them
                                                                                  with the motivation to want to go on learning for the rest of
children’s all-round development, enabling them to                                their lives!

pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine
motor experiences develop incrementally throughout
early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and
the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination
and positional awareness through tummy time, crawl-
ing and play movement with both objects and adults.

Literacy:It is crucial for children to develop a life-long
love of reading. Reading consists of two dimensions:
language comprehension and word reading.

Mathematics : Children should be able to count confidently,

develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the rela-
tionships between them and the patterns within those numbers

Understanding the World: Children need to be able to make
sense of their physical world and their community.

ExpressiveArtsandDesign:Children have
regular opportunities to engage with the
arts, enabling them to explore and play with
a wide range of media and materials.

Educational programme is used to plan play and first hand experiences,

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