Page 19 - Bleakhouse Primary Prospectus 22 - 23
P. 19

                                 BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT POLICY
Our vision is to raise the expectations and aspirations of our children by encouraging them to be the
best that they can be. We encourage them to develop friendships, show respect, aspire to excellence,
show determination and courage, treat each other equally and be inspired in their work, so they
succeed in all that they do.

Positive behaviour management encourages a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in pupils. It
also seeks to develop mutual respect for others and their property. To ensure that the Behaviour
Management Policy is effective it is important that there is a consistent approach which provides
clear direction and guidelines for staff and sets out the boundaries, rules, rewards and sanctions in a
way that is understood by all pupils, parents and staff.

A school’s approach to mental health and behaviour includes:

       providing a structured school environment with clear expectations of behaviour,
       well communicated social norms and routines, which are reinforced with highly
       consistent consequence systems.

                                     Mental Health and Behaviour in School (DfE, 2018)

This policy has been informed by the school’s duty under the Equality Act (2010) and guidance
issued by the Government (May, 2011) which describes the greater powers that schools and their
staff have and Statutory Guidance from the DfE (March 2012).

Teachers have statutory authority to discipline pupils for misbehaviour in school and, in some
circumstances, outside of school. In addition all paid staff have this authority unless the Head
teacher says otherwise.

• To make all stakeholders aware of positive behaviour management strategies.
• To support children to take responsibility for their behaviour and actions.
• To recognise children who do show the school values in their behaviour.
• To operate a system of rewards and sanctions.
• To encourage all members of staff (teaching and non-teaching) to take responsibility for the
behaviour management of children in their care and throughout the school generally.
• To provide a network of support for all staff to assist in the application of this policy. Such
support will be provided by colleagues, SENCO, Deputy Head teacher and Head teacher as well as
support from Child Psychology Service and Inclusion Support.
• To consult with pupils about their behaviour by rewarding and encouraging good behaviour
and by identifying and making pupils aware of inappropriate behaviour.
• To work with pupils on issues related to their behaviour in a sensitive manner, tailoring
responses to meet the individual needs of each pupil.

The whole school values underpin the rules. Values allow for the recognition of positive behaviour
and a mirror to discuss inappropriate behaviour and actions.

    Show friendship to everyone.
    Show respect to everyone.
    Strive for excellence in what you do.
    Show determination to succeed in what you do.
    Show courage to succeed in what you do.
    Show equality to everyone.
    Be an inspiration to others.

In the interests of the safety of everyone using the site, scooters and/or bikes are not to be used inside
the school grounds.
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