Page 21 - Bleakhouse Primary Prospectus 22 - 23
P. 21

2. Stop’n’Think Card.
    The child is told which school value they are not showing and moved seats so they are is sat
    separately to continue with their task and also have the opportunity to reflect on how they can
    show they are using the school values. This is to be for no more than ten minutes.
    3. Yellow Warning Card
    During lesson time sent to another class for 10 minutes, with an escort (if necessary) and with
    work to complete. If a task is not completed during lessons because of inappropriate behaviour
    by an individual, they may lose a playtime with the person who led the lesson so that they can
    complete the task.
    4. Red Consequence Card
    At this stage of the lesson a child has had five opportunities to change their behaviour. The child
    is sent to Key Stage Leader for 10 minutes.
    5. If the inappropriate behaviour continues in the same lesson after the child has returned from
    being with the Key Stage Leader the child is sent to the Senior Deputy Head teacher and parents
    informed as necessary. The child completes a Thinking Sheet.
    6. Senior Deputy Head to send child to Headteacher as necessary.

Children who receive a Stop’n’Think, Yellow Warning and/or a Red Consequence Card have their
name recorded on the Record Log. These sheets are monitored by the Senior Deputy Head and
children who are persistently not showing the school values, with the discretion of the Senior Deputy
Head, will miss weekly lunchtime and parents will be informed as necessary.

NB Children are not left unsupervised outside the classroom - sending children to stand outside the
classroom does not address the behaviour of that child and puts them and the teacher at risk.

Playtime Behaviour
• During playtime stand beside the teacher on duty.
• If necessary, inform the class teacher.
• Key Stage Leader will monitor the Playtime book and contact parents if necessary.

Midday Supervisors’ Rewards and Sanction
- Each supervisor nominates a child for a Team Point Token every day for excellent behaviour. These
are placed in the Team Point tubes in the relevant building.
- Each week a child is nominated by MDS, as “Child of the Week” and the child receives a
certificate in assembly.
- Children who exhibit inappropriate behaviour are reminded by the MDS. If it continues they are
asked to take “Time Out” and their name is placed on the lunchtime incident sheet. At the end of the
week points are added together to find the winning class who are presented with a certificate during
- Children who show persistent inappropriate behaviour are put on a “yellow card”.
- Children who show serious or repeated incidents of inappropriate behaviour are put on a “red card”
and parents may be contacted by a senior leader.
- Further action to be taken will be discussed during this conversation and may include alternative
lunchtime arrangements or loss of privileges.
- MDS will follow the general guidelines for behaviour management.

Involvement of S.E.M.H. Advisory Teacher

The school may seek advice from the Social, Emotional, Mental Health Advisory Teacher if a child
has Special Educational Needs or Disability.

Fixed term exclusion can be used for instances such as prolonged non-cooperation of school
rules, for bad language to staff, some instances of fights, theft, prolonged bullying, inappropriate use
of the internet and ICT, deliberate damage to school property, arson, extortion or continued
disruption. Following a fixed term exclusion parents will be asked to attend a reintegration
interview. Failure to attend may make it more likely that the court will impose a Parenting Order if
the school or Local Authority apply for one.

Permanent Exclusion can be used for such instances as possession of weapons, dealing in drugs,
serious physical or verbal abuse to staff or children, sexual abuse/assault, continued disruption.
These incidents may result in police involvement where appropriate.
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