Page 22 - Bleakhouse Primary Prospectus 22 - 23
P. 22
Child on Child Abuse
Any report of Child on Child Abuse reported to a member of staff, including from a third party is
taken seriously. Staff act in line with the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy procedures when
managing such reports. This includes dealing with the issue sensitively while completing an assess-
ment of the incident. Records of the incident and actions taken are kept.
Involvement of S.E.M.H. Advisory Teacher
The school may seek advice from the Social, Emotional, Mental Health Advisory Teacher if
a child has Special Educational Needs or Disability.
Fixed term exclusion can be used for instances such as prolonged non-cooperation of school rules,
for bad language to staff, some instances of fights, theft, prolonged bullying, inappropriate use of
the internet and ICT, deliberate damage to school property, arson, extortion or continued disruption.
Following a fixed term exclusion parents will be asked to attend a reintegration interview. Failure to
attend may make it more likely that the court will impose a Parenting Order if the school or Local
Authority apply for one.
Permanent Exclusion can be used for such instances as possession of weapons, dealing in drugs,
serious physical or verbal abuse to staff or children, sexual abuse/assault, continued disruption.
These incidents may result in police involvement where appropriate.
The whole school values are relevant to outside school when children are attending
educational visits. If staff note that, whilst on such a visit, a child is spoken to several
times for not showing these values a member of SLT will speak to the child upon return
to school. Parents may be informed of their child’s behaviour. If the child’s behaviour puts
themselves/others at risk a call will be made to school and the child will be brought back to
school as soon as is reasonable.
Staff will confiscate any dangerous items such as weapons. Such items are stored by the Headteach-
er. Inappropriate items/items causing disruption during lessons e.g. mobile phones, games will be
confiscated and returned at the end of the school day. If an item is brought into school several times
parents will be approached to request the item is kept at home.
Parents are asked to sign a Home School Agreement at the start of each academic year which out-
lines the responsibilities of the parent and the school including supporting the Behaviour Manage-
ment Policy. Parents do have a role in ensuring their child is well behaved at school. The school
may ask parents to sign a Parenting Contract or may apply for a court imposed Parenting Order
when their child persistently does not behave well in school.
If a parent should have a concern about their child they should raise this concern with the class
teacher in the first instance. If the concern remains or escalates the parent needs to speak to the As-
sistant Head. This will allow for the concern to be dealt with quickly and at an appropriate level.
Continuous or serious issues can then be passed to the Deputy Head then Headteacher if the need
arises in the most serious cases. Appointments can be made to see class teachers before school be-
tween 8:30a.m. and 8:40a.m. and then after school.
Children with identified SEND including Social, Mental and Emotional Health Needs will follow
termly SEND Provision Plan reviews and other SEN Code of Practice recommendations. Reviews
of sanctions/Behaviour Charts will form part of these reviews. Children who are felt to pose a health
and safety risk to themselves/ others will be subject to a Risk Assessment reviewed in line with its
This policy is reviewed annually by staff and Governors to meet the changing needs of the school
and to continue to be in line with guidance issued by the Government or any other appropriate