Page 16 - Prospectus 24-25
P. 16

School Fund

School Fund is used to purchase additional resources and books, to help pay for visiting
theatre groups, animal lectures, educational visits, and to enhance the school’s environment.
During each year fund-raising activities take place to help with the provision of such items.

                             Charging and Remission Policy

There are no charges made for any aspect of the National Curriculum taught as part of the
normal school timetable. This normally includes swimming and music. Individual musical
instrument tuition incurs a charge, currently £50 per term. Clubs that are led by external
agencies may incur a cost of a minimum of £3.50 per session.
We do, however ask for a voluntary contribution for any educational visits during the school
day for curriculum study but this is heavily subsidised by the school. For residential visits at
Sandwell Centres attended during the school week, a set charge is made.
A charge of 10p per sheet is charged for any information requested that is not available to
the public at large. A paper copy of information available on the website will be provided
free of charge to Parents who request it. Should a continuing dinner money debt go beyond
three weeks Parents will be asked to move their child to a home packed lunch until the debt
is cleared.
For children who are able to access a 30 hour Nursery place there is a charge of £3.50 per
day to cover the half an hour between the two Nursery sessions (Morning Nursery
8:45-11:45 and Afternoon Nursery 12:15-3:15). This charge is recorded on Parent Pay each
week in arrears. Should a continuing charge debt go beyond three weeks the lunch provision
will be reconsidered and Parents invited to a meeting.
At the end of the school day, if your child is not collected by 3:30p.m. they will be taken to
the Funzone After School Club. There is a £5.75 charge for this and Parents will need to
collect their child from the Community Room.
If your child attends an After School Club that finishes at 4:15p.m. and is not collected
from school by 4:30p.m. they will be taken to the Funzone After School Club. There is a
£5.75 charge for this and Parents will need to collect their child from the Community
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