Page 18 - Prospectus 24-25
P. 18
Pupil Attendance
1. The total number of registered pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one
session during the reporting period. (School Year 2023/2024 up to Friday before the
last Monday in May): 384
2. The percentage of half days (sessions) missed through authorised absence: 4%
3. The percentage of half days (sessions) missed through unauthorised absence: 1.5%
4. The percentage of overall attendance during the reporting period: 94.5%
Transfer to High Schools
Below is a list of the High Schools that the children in Year 6 went to upon leaving us last
year (2024):
Bristnall Hall Technology College 27 pupils
Bristnall Hall Lane, Oldbury B68 9PA
Oldbury Academy 8 pupils
Pound Road, Oldbury B68 8NE
Perryfields High School, 3 pupils
Maths and Computing College
Oldacre Road, Oldbury B68 ORG
Q3 Academy Langley, 16 pupils
Moat Road, Oldbury, B68 8ED
Basic Skills Quality Mark
In 2020 Bleakhouse Primary School was awarded the Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM)
for the eighth time. This is a prestigious, national award which is given to schools who
focus on reading, writing , spelling and numberwork. These are skills all children need.
Having this award means that our school;
• Has a strategy and an action plan to improve children’s reading, writing and
• Assesses children to find out if they need extra help
• Has a target for improving basic skills in school
• Makes sure that children have plans to improve their reading, writing and numberwork
• Reviews the progress made by all children
• Provides training for staff so that they can teach better
• Uses different ways of teaching based on what each child needs
• Has good books and other material to help children improve
• Encourages parents to help their children with reading, writing and numberwork
• Monitors whether they are becoming better at teaching basic skills
“Reading is a strength in the school.”
“Across the school, pupils enjoy reading”
(OfSTED, 2023)
“English and Maths are at the heart of teaching and learning at
Bleakhouse.” (BSQM Feedback Report, 2022)
Bleakhouse Primary School