Page 20 - Prospectus 24-25
P. 20
In the interests of the safety of everyone using the site, scooters and/or bikes are not to be used inside
the school grounds. Mobile phones/smart watches brought to school by pupils are to be placed in the
telephone box upon entering school and collected at when leaving at the end of the day.
Banned Items
The following items are banned and a search can be made for: knives, weapons, alcohol, illegal
drugs, stolen items, tobacco, fireworks, pornographic images or articles that are reasonably
suspected have been or are likely to be used to commit an offence.
The following guidelines were agreed by the staff and Governors as recommended strategies for
encouraging good behaviour in school.
At the start of each academic year, teachers negotiate a set of classroom rules for their class which
aim to create a positive, supportive, safe and secure environment. These should be based on the
whole school rules and values. These should apply to EVERYONE in the classroom. Children
should be expected to look after the school environment and property, taking responsibility for
keeping their surroundings attractive and tidy.
Each classroom and other areas such as the Community Room has a Good to be Green chart that
displays each of the children’s names. At the start of each lesson all children are shown as being
green. Individual classroom rewards such as table points may be used alongside the whole school
• Verbal praise including the value shown by the child.
• Team points (Keely Hodgkinson, Toby Roberts, Dame Sarah Storey and Alex Yee). Children
who demonstrate one of the whole school values are awarded a bronze card on the Good to be Green
Chart. If they demonstrate one or more of the school values a second time in the lesson the bronze
card is replaced by a silver card. For children who sustain this exemplary attitude, showing one or
more of the whole school values in the lesson, they are given a gold card. The child takes this to the
Head teacher or Deputy Head who will record this in the Gold Card Book.
• Gold stars are awarded by teachers for one single excellent piece of work or outstanding effort.
The child takes the piece of work to the Head Teacher or Senior Deputy Head to receive their gold
• Postcard sent home from the Head teacher.
• Asked to be a Monitor or Prefect as a reward for being a good role model (Y6 only).
• Children remaining green for a week have reward time on Friday afternoon and are entered in
the class ‘raffle’. The child with the winning ‘ticket’ is awarded a certificate in Tuesday’s whole
school assembly.
Children who show the weekly Jigsaw PSHE focus have their names added to their class’
Celebration Sheet. Their teacher recognises these children each Friday afternoon.
Consequences of breaking the school rules
Staff should deal with incidents promptly, in a calm and fair manner. We avoid shouting, blanket
punishments, sarcasm and over reacting as this does not give children a means of improving their
behaviour. Secondary behaviours, such as answering back and rolling eyes, should be dealt with
after the lesson, by the member of staff involved during a playtime or lunchtime. It should be made
clear what value/s the child was not showing and the expectations of their behaviour.
A firm but consistent approach needs to be adopted to ensure the safety and appropriate behaviour of
everyone which includes sanctions. This includes the completion of assigned work. Reasonable
adjustments for individuals under the Equality Legislation will be made as necessary.
At the start of each lesson all children start at the beginning of the hierarchy of sanctions. The
sanctions are:
A discouraging look.