Page 21 - Prospectus 24-25
P. 21

A reminder of which school value is not being shown.
    Good to be Green Chart
    1. Warning the child’s Good to be Green card is reversed. This can be turned back to green
    during the lesson if the child shows they are using the school values before the end of the lesson.
    2. Stop’n’Think Card.
    The child is told which school value they are not showing and moved seats so they are is sat
    separately to continue with their task and also have the opportunity to reflect on how they can
    show they are using the school values. This is to be for no more than ten minutes.
    3. Yellow Warning Card
    During lesson time sent to another class for 10 minutes, with an escort (if necessary) and with
    work to complete. If a task is not completed during lessons because of inappropriate behaviour
    by an individual, they may lose a playtime with the person who led the lesson so that they can
    complete the task.
    4. Red Consequence Card
    At this stage of the lesson a child has had five opportunities to change their behaviour. The child
    is sent to Key Stage Leader for 10 minutes.
    5. If the inappropriate behaviour continues in the same lesson after the child has returned from
    being with the Key Stage Leader the child is sent to the Deputy Head teacher or Acting deputy
    Head and parents informed as necessary. The child completes a Thinking Sheet.
    6. Senior Deputy Head ot Acting Deputy Head to send child to Headteacher as necessary.

Children who receive a Stop’n’Think, Yellow Warning and/or a Red Consequence Card have their
name recorded on the Record Log. These sheets are monitored by the Deputy Head and children who
are persistently not showing the school values, with the discretion of the Senior Deputy Head, will
miss weekly lunchtime and parents will be informed as necessary.

NB Children are not left unsupervised outside the classroom - sending children to stand outside the
classroom does not address the behaviour of that child and puts them and the teacher at risk.

Permanent Exclusion can be used for such instances as possession of weapons, dealing in drugs,
serious physical or verbal abuse to staff or children, sexual abuse/assault, continued disruption.
These incidents may result in police involvement where appropriate.

Early Years
As in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 teachers establish classroom rules for their class. These are
informed by the whole school rules and values as well as the effective characteristics of learning.

Young children need to have expected behaviours to be explicitly taught and modelled by the adults
around them. The rewards and sanctions below are implemented to reinforce what is expected.

• Children given verbal praise that includes talking about the behaviour that has been shown.
• Children given verbal feedback about the behaviour being shown and given a sticker that names
the characteristic of effective learning that the child was showing
• Parents may be spoken to at the end of the day/certificate as appropriate.
Children who have shown appropriate behaviour all week are included in the weekly Good to be
Green certificate raffle.

     Verbal warning
     No more than 5 minutes away from peers/activity that the child was with
     Sent to partner class
     If inappropriate behaviour continues when returned from partner class then child is spoken to by
     a member of SLT.

Playtime Behaviour
• During playtime stand beside the teacher on duty.
• If necessary, inform the class teacher.
• Class teacher will discuss persistent inappropriate behaviour with the Deputy Head.
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