Page 10 - The Thorns Way Raising Standards Strategy
P. 10

Leadership & Management

                      Being great starts here!

The right people in the right places; developing emotionally
                  intelligent leaders of the future

                           Clearly defined leadership roles

            Leadership structure includes senior and middle leaders

               School Improvement Timeline: plan; review; report

Leadership Development Policy and CPD for all leaders (including toolkits
                               e.g. Leadership Matters)

Regular self– and peer-review of leaders, including 360 reviews and use of
                             other online diagnostic tools

    Development opportunities for aspiring and new leaders—succession

               Qualifications and training for leaders at all levels

 School development planning takes account of the immediate and wider
   school context through horizon scanning (PESTEL and SWOT analysis)

Governors are kept updated on SDP progress, and hold leaders at all levels
                                        to account

                   Robust recruitment and induction processes

                 Standard Operatiing Procedures, and checklists
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