Page 2 - The Thorns Way Raising Standards Strategy
P. 2

Every child is safe, happy and learning because every adult is caring, happy in their work and skilled.
We value:

                           working Together

                               achieve without limits
                                               fairness and equality

                                           safety and security

Our aim is for every child to:
 feel safe and secure at all times, and to know that the adults in school will help them if they are worried,

   frightened or feel unsafe;

 be an independent, resilient learner who sees mistakes as an opportunity to learn, is not afraid to try and seeks
   help when they need it;

 be an excellent communicator: able to listen and understand, speak with clarity and with a broad vocabulary;

 be a reader: finding pleasure in books and reading and with the skills to read fluently and accurately and to
   understand a range of texts;

 be a writer: writing fluently and with detail for a specific purpose and an understanding of the audience, using
   and applying a range of skills;

 be a mathematician: solving problems in a range of contexts by applying fluent knowledge and recall of
   number facts;

 develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of scientists, artists, designers, geographers, historians, linguists,
   musicians and performers;

 value being physically active and healthy;

 have the skills required to thrive in a technological age;

 be self-aware, emotionally intelligent and accepting of others, showing kindness and respect and an
   understanding of differences;

 acquire the skills and desire to contribute positively to the wider community.
Our commitment is to provide every child with:
 a school that is well led and managed by a strong team of leaders and governors;
 school staff who will keep them safe and who know what to do to protect them from harm;
 a sense of justice and knowledge of right and wrong;

 high-quality teaching from skilled professionals;

 teachers and support staff who have opportunities to grow and develop, extending their own expertise through
   training and development;

 access to specialist services to support additional needs;

 buildings and grounds that are safe, welcoming, clean and tidy;

 a learning environment that promotes and supports active learning;

 challenges that stretch and encourage higher-order thinking, team work and creativity;

 exciting and stimulating resources that encourage the acquisition and deepening of knowledge, understanding and
   skills across the curriculum;

 enrichment opportunities, including after-school clubs, exciting trips and visitors to broaden their experience of the
   wider world;

 a voice – where their views and opinions matter and are listened to;

 opportunities for their parents and carers to spend time in school and be involved in school activities;

 the chance to try new things and have a go, developing the resilience that will prove valuable throughout life;

 ambitions and aspirations;

 a ‘can do’ attitude, and the ‘powers’ for lifelong learning and success.
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