Page 22 - Prospectus 24-25
P. 22

Midday Supervisors’ Rewards and Sanctions
The MDS follow the general guidelines for behaviour management.

    *Each supervisor nominates a child/children for a Team Point Token every day for excellent
    behaviour. When these are given the child is told which of the school values they are showing.
    These are placed in the Team Point tubes in the relevant building.
    *Each lunchtime the class earns points from the MDS for showing appropriate behaviour. At the
    end of the week points are added together to find the winning class who are presented with a
    certificate during assembly.
    *Each week a child is nominated by MDS, as “Child of the Week” and the child receives a
    certificate in assembly.
    *Children who exhibit inappropriate behaviour are reminded by the MDS.
    *If inappropriate behaviour continues they are asked to take “Time Out” with the MDS for up to
    five minutes. The MDS then speaks to the Principle or Senior MDS who will write the child’s
    name on the Lunchtime List as needed.
    The Lunchtime List is given to a member of SLT at the end of each lunchtime.
    Children who show persistent inappropriate behaviour may be put on a “yellow card” by a
    member of SLT.
    Children who show serious or repeated incidents of inappropriate behaviour are put on a “red
    card” by SLT and parents may be contacted by a senior leader.
    Further action to be taken will be discussed during this conversation and may include alternative
    lunchtime arrangements or loss of privileges.
Child on Child Abuse
The implementation of this policy and the Anti-bullying Policy as well as the PSHE curriculum sup-
port the prevention of Child on Child abuse. Any report of Child on Child Abuse reported to a mem-
ber of staff, including from a third party is taken seriously. Staff act in line with the Safeguarding
and Child Protection Policy procedures when managing such reports. This includes dealing with the
issue sensitively while completing an assessment of the incident. Records of the incident and actions
taken are kept.
Involvement of S.E.M.H. Advisory Teacher
The school may seek advice from the Social, Emotional, Mental Health Advisory Teacher if a child
has Special Educational Needs or Disability.
Suspension can be used for instances such as prolonged non-cooperation of school rules, for bad
language to staff, some instances of fights, theft, prolonged bullying, inappropriate use of the inter-
net and ICT, deliberate damage to school property, arson, extortion or continued disruption. They
can be for parts of the school day such as if a child’s behaviour during the lunchbreak is disruptive
they can be suspended for the lunchtime period. Following a suspension parents will be asked to
attend a reintegration interview. Failure to attend may make it more likely that the court will impose
a Parenting Order if the school or Local Authority apply for one
Permanent Exclusion for a serious breach or persistent breach of this policy or if allowing the pupil
to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of others in the school. This in-
cludes for such instances as possession of weapons, dealing in drugs, serious physical or verbal
(including protected characteristics) abuse to staff or children, sexual abuse/assault, continued dis-
ruption or persistent bullying. These incidents may result in police involvement where appropriate.
The whole school values are relevant to outside school when children are attending educational
visits. If staff note that, whilst on such a visit, a child is spoken to several times for not showing
these values a member of SLT will speak to the child upon return to school. Parents may be
informed of their child’s behaviour. If the child’s behaviour puts themselves/others at risk a call will
be made to school and the child will be brought back to school as soon as is reasonable.
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