Page 30 - Thorns Primary Prospectus 2017
P. 30


            If children do go out at lunchtime they should not return to the premises before 12.50 p.m.
            A letter must be received from parents who wish their child to return home at lunch-time in
            cases where the child normally stays in school for lunch.  Children will not be sent out of
            school without being accompanied by a parent or close relative and they must be collected
            from inside the school.

            DRINKING WATER

            There is provision throughout the school for the children to drink fresh, cold water via their
            school water bottles.  These are filled in the morning with fresh water and then children can
            “top up” as and when necessary.  It has been proven that if children have regular access to
            water during the day they are more able to concentrate and make greater progress in school.

            TUCK SHOP

            Toast, and Crumpets are provided at mid-morning break in the School Hall for a small

            SCHOOL TRIPS

            School Trips are part of our extra-curricular activities.  Wherever possible we try to keep the
            cost of the trip to a reasonable amount per child and, where we can, actively seek grants or
            other funding from around the region.

            All trips follow the “Risk Assessment” Guidelines and there is always more than sufficient staff
            to cover the “pupil to staff ratios”.  A trained First Aider always accompanies every trip.

            If there is hardship within the family, please contact the Business Manager in the first instance.


            The Governors have agreed the School’s Policy for Charging and Remission for school activities
            (Education Reform Act 1988) should be that of the Local Authority.  A copy of the full policy is
            available on request from the school office.  Alternatively, you are able to download a copy
            from the school’s website:

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