Page 28 - Thorns Primary Prospectus 2017
P. 28


            Children may use phones as a safety matter travelling to and from school, however phones
            must be handed to the front office immediately on arrival and collected at the end of the day
            (Phones left at the owner’s own risk). Under no circumstances are children allowed phones on
            their person, phones will be kept in the main school office during school hours.  In any
            emergency parents will be contacted via the school telephone.
            Children are not permitted to have mobile phones on trips.
            Any images taken of children by parents/guardians at any school event are for personal use
            and must not be shared on social media.


            The Education Authority wish to make it clear to parents that injuries caused to pupils for which
            the Authority cannot be held liable, are not covered by the Authority’s insurance arrangements
            and therefore, compensation will not be available.

            SCHOOL UNIFORM

            The co-operation of parents in supporting school uniform is much appreciated: the majority of
            children are very smartly dressed.  The uniform is simple and relatively inexpensive, but it gives
            a sense of belonging and pride in the school to each child.  Please ensure uniform is labelled
            with your child’s name as we have a large amount of unnamed lost property.

            The School Governors fully support the existence of school uniform.  The school uniform colours
            are red and grey.

            We  have  also  negotiated  with  Tesco  who  will  provide  you  with  a  choice  of  three  items
            embroidered  with  our  school  logo  and  non-embroidered  items  such  as  skirts,  trousers  etc.
            Please check out their website at and choose from two
            options: Uniform Embroidery Service or Boys/Girls School Uniform.

            In  summer  time  a  hat/baseball  cap is  recommended  for  protection  against  the  sun.    Shoes
            should be black sensible and appropriate in school. No trainers.

            Boys:  Red jumper or sweatshirt, grey or black trousers, red or white shirt, black shoes

            Girls:  Red jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt, grey or black skirt, trousers and red or white
                    shirt. Summer dresses in red and white gingham or stripes, black shoes

            PE KIT White T-shirt and dark shorts, pumps for indoor PE and trainers for outdoors

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