Page 27 - Thorns Primary Prospectus 2017
P. 27



            The morning bell goes at 8.40 a.m. and the bell for registration at 8.50 a.m.  Lunchtime is from
            12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. and school ends at 3.15 p.m.  The main gate opens at 8:30 a.m.  For
            the children's safety and well-being please ensure that they are not on the premises without a
            parent/guardian before 8.40 a.m. as staff are not able to accept responsibility before this time.

            We do have a before-school Breakfast Club which runs from 7.40 a.m.; please ask at the office
            for details.

            Please note it sometimes takes teachers a little longer to prepare children to go home.  We ask
            for your support at this time in order to ensure children are released in a safe and orderly way.
            KS1 children are presented to adults for safety reasons whilst KS2 children are released from

            SITE SECURITY

            During the school day, the site is secure with all visitors signing in through the front office.  All
            visitors are required to wear security badges to show they have approval to be on site.

            The school gates are open from 8.30 a.m., school playgrounds and school gate are supervised
            from 8.40 until 9.00 a.m.  Parents are welcome to remain in the Key Stage 1 playground until
            8.50 a.m., Key Stage 2 pupils are asked to remain in the Key Stage 1 playground.

            The School gates are open at the end of the day from 3.00 p.m.  Parents of KS1 and Reception
            classes are expected to step forward to receive their child.  Staff are expected to ensure Key
            Stage 1 and Reception pupils go directly to the collecting adults.  Parents of KS2 children are
            welcome to wait in the KS1 playground to collect their child.

            Both  before  and  after  school,  our  Site  Manager  supervises  the  gate  in  order  to  prevent
            unwelcome  visitors  and  as  an  extra  line  of  protection  from  young  children  leaving  without
            adults.  Site supervision is a difficult task and we ask for your support.

            Secondary school pupils are welcome on site if they are collecting Thorns Primary pupils.

                                 “No Dogs” and “No Smoking” are allowed on site

            Bikes or scooters must not be used on school premises in order to ensure the environment is
            safe for younger pupils.

            The safety of pupils on the school campus is very important to the school community and we
            ask all parents and visitors to support us, be vigilant and act as good role models.


            We do not allow any child to leave the premises during school hours unless accompanied by a
            responsible adult and with full parental permission.  This applies to all medical appointments
            and family emergencies.  Parents are requested to sign children in or out if they are being
            collected or brought back into school during the course of the day and must provide evidence
            of any appointments.

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