Page 26 - Thorns Primary Prospectus 2017
P. 26


            Our approach to behaviour management in the school is one set within a positive ethos.  We
            reward and praise children when they achieve a high standard, try their best or behave in a
            way we like.

            Rewards may come in the form of verbal praise, stickers, stars, certificates and house points.
            The house system exists as children are encouraged to see themselves as part of a team.  Each
            child is a member of a house: Griffins, Dragons, Phoenix and Unicorns.  There are weekly Praise
            Assemblies  when  we  celebrate  all  achievements  in  and  out  of  school.    Achievements  are
            recognised through house points.  A cup is awarded to the winning house at the end of the
            academic year.

               Parents are always welcome to our Praise Assembly held at 9.00 am on Fridays.


            The  school  operates  a  series  of  sanctions  both  in  class  and  at  playtimes  which  involves  a
            progression of small sanction steps designed to encourage pupils to be responsible for their
            actions.  Zone Boards are used for positive reinforcement of good behaviour.

            In cases where pupils do not respond to sanctions or more severe behaviour occurs, pupils are
            referred to the Head Teacher who will often inform parents at an early stage.  This may result
            in a pupil having an individual home/school behaviour diary or the child placed on the school’s
            serious behaviour clause.

            In the rare case that severe behaviour occurs
            The Head Teacher may exclude pupils from the school.  In such cases the school will follow
            procedures drawn up by the Dudley LA under the Education Act (No 2) 1986.  These procedures
            include the right of appeal by parents.

            Severe behaviour may include:
            •  Racism
            •  Bullying
            •  Behaviour which is threatening towards pupils and staff or
            •  Behaviour that repeatedly disrupts the education of others


            Cases of suspected bullying matters will be dealt with by the Head Teacher.  In many cases
            where pupils have argued, the focus will be placed upon mediation and changing behaviours.
            The Head Teacher will interview children and, where necessary, contact parents.  Victims are
            encouraged to tell the Head Teacher immediately if further incidents occur.  In more obvious
            cases of bullying parents will be contacted immediately and where necessary the Head Teacher
            may exclude the pupil.  In such cases the school will follow procedures drawn up by the Dudley
            LEA under the Education Act (No 2) 1986.  These procedures include the right of appeal of


            At Thorns Primary, the health, safety and well-being of every pupil is of paramount concern.
            We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us.

            On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies
            even before we contact you.  The procedures which we follow have been laid down by the
            Dudley Safeguarding Board and adopted by the Governors for the safety of all.  If you want to
            know more about our procedures or the policy, please either speak to our Head Teacher or go
            online to
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