P. 17

Keeping your child safe

 Contact numbers                                      Covid 19 Safety

 Please make sure we have a daytime                   We have social distancing measures in place
                                                      within the nursery. You will notice marked areas
 telephonenumbersowecancontactyouin an                to observe social distancing safely when enter-
 emergency. If this is a mobile it should             ing and exiting the building, please be guided
                                                      by staff if you are unsure.
 be switched on at all times. If your number changes
 over the year please let room staff knowassoonas     ChildProtection - Safeguardingchildren
                                                      Child abuse is, unfortunately, an issue that we
 Sun Safety                                           must be acutely aware of. We follow Birming-
                                                      ham CityCouncil’s procedures and practice
  During the summer term, to protect your             guidance for schools and education services
  child, please can you make sure you apply           on the welfare and care of children.
  a high factor sun screen before school, and         These state that, if abuse of a child is
  provide your child with protective clothes,         suspected, we must follow the proper proce-
  such as sunhats and t-shirts that cover             dures and Social Services must be informed im-
  shoulders. If you feel your child will              mediately. It is important that parents under-
  need additional sunscreen applied dur-              stand that we do not have a choice in this and we
  ing the day you can give your consent               must follow these procedures. Child abuse is, un-
  by signing a permission slip, enabling              fortunately, an issue that we must be acutely
  staff to do this                                    aware of. We follow Birmingham CityCouncil’s
                                                      procedures and practice guidance for schools
 Health and Safety                                    and education services on the welfare and care
                                                      of children. These state that, if abuse of a child
  At the start and end of the day                     is suspected, we must follow the proper proce-
  please observe staff guidance when en-              dures and Social Services must be informed im-
  tering the school gates. We also ask par-           mediately. It is important that parents under-
  ents not to use the back door to exit, as           stand that we do not have a choice in this and we
  it opens out onto the car park. Please              must follow these procedures.
  note the car park is for centre staff only.
  If you come by car, be careful not to               School Security
  park on the double yellow lines outside
  school, across the gates of St Chad’s or            As an additional security measure the school
  our gates. Traffic wardens and police do            gates are locked at 9am and unlocked at
  patrol this area .                                  2.45pm (3.15 pm-Weds). All parents and
                                                      visitors who visit between these times should
  No Smoking                                          come to the visitor’s entrance in the car park,
                                                      on Hospital Street. This gate has a buzzer
  In the interests of children’s health and           entry system and is monitored by office staff,
  safety, no smoking is allowed inside the            please buzz and wait for reply.
  school or in the school grounds.
                                                      Mobile Phones
                                                      Mobile Phones can only be                           to
Staff will take photos of children                    used in agreed spaces.
for whom we have consent                              Please ask staff if you need
during trips, as personal cameras                     use yourphone.
cannot be used to take photos of
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