P. 18

Other information about the school

EqualitiesAct 2012                                            Positive Behaviour Policy

 There is a consensus amongst staff about be-                  The school aims to provide a caring, emotionallysecure,
 haviour management. This in turn generates a                  environment in which both adults and children are
 high morale, a sense of commitment and a sup-                 expected to promote an ethos in which every individual
 portive role amongst staff. Theschoolhasanestab-              is valued.
 lishedstructure of effective communicationbetweenstaff
 throughdiscussion,regular weeklystaff meetings, whole         There is a consensus amongst staff about
 staff policy, after school meetings and a weekly diary        behaviour management. This in turn generates
 and monthly newsletters. A belief is shared that good         a high morale, a sense of commitment and a
 quality positive relationships are fundamental in promot-     supportive role amongst staff. Theschoolhasan
 ing good behaviour. Bullying by anyone in any form is not     established structure of effective communication
 tolerated. Staff set a good example, treating children with   between staff through discussion, regular weekly staff
 respect at all times and with the same consideration and      meetings, whole staff policy, after school meetings and
 courtesywith which they should treat adults. Thecurriculum    a weekly diary and monthly newsletters. A belief is
 of theschool iswell planned. There is a high quality of       shared that good quality positive relationships are
 teaching and learning, in which the purposes are clear to     fundamental in promoting good behaviour.
 all involved. Pupils should have opportunities to use their
 initiative and accept responsibility.                         Bullying by anyone in any form is not tolerated. Staff set
                                                               a good example, treating children with respect at all
 OtherAgencies                                                 times and with the same

  We use Speech Therapists, Educational                        consideration and courtesy with which they should treat
  Psychologists, Health Visitors, Social Work-                 adults.
  ers and other professionals if and when
  necessary for individual children. They                      The curriculum of the school is well planned. There is a
  work with the school staff as part of the
  School Team. Parents are always in-                         General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)
  formed of their involvement and permis-
  sion obtained before they see any child.                    GDPR became law in May 2018. We store all
  Parents are encouraged to attend and/or                     information you have given to us securely and
  are kept in- formed of all discussions that                 do not share information about our pupils without
  take place. Your views and support at                       consent unless the law and our policies allow us
  home are very important.                                    to do so.Ask for a copy of our Privacy Notice to
                                                              get further details.
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