P. 14

How can you support the school?

School Sweatshirts                              Fresh Fruit

We sell a range of uniform, with school        We have a sharing time at the end of
                                               each day, when children talk about
logo, that you can buy on request from         their day and have a piece of fruit.
                                               Please bring fruit for thebowl.
the nursery office. Sweatshirts at £8.10       You could be entitled to FREE vouchers
                                               worth £3.10 - £6.20 a week to spend on
each, Cardigans at £9.10 each,                 fresh or frozen fruit, fresh or frozen veg
                                               (including potatoes), milk and infant formula
Fleece zipper jackets at £13.10 each           milk.
                                               Login to:
and Polo shirts at £6.10 each. Clothing
is available throughout your child’s time      healthy-start-vouchers/how
in nursery.                                    FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                               VISIT WWW.HEALTHYSTART.NHS.UK
School Fund
As a City Council school there is no charge
to parents. However, we do ask for             We do not encourage children to bring toys,
voluntary contribution of £1.00 per week.
Envelopes are available from nursery           sweets or crisps to school. Sometimes odd piec-
office. Please hand your donation to the
office on weekly. This money is used to pay    es of a puzzle or small toys may be takenhome
for items such as juice, cookery ingredients,
extra equipment, birthdays and Christmas       bymistake.Pleasedon’tbeembarrassed by this,
presents, entertainment and to help
subsidies trips.                               but do return them assoon as possible, since toys

Birthdays                                      or puzzles withmissing parts are not very excit-

We like to celebrate each                      ing to play with and are expensive to replace.
child’s birthday with a party.
The children make their own                     Clothing and Footwear
cake with a group of friends.
Please see room staff if you                   Clothing should be suitable for play and
would like to contribute                       easy for your child to manage so they can
party food and drink.                          go to the toilet independently. Also children
                                               need sensible, comfortable shoes for running
Fundraising                                    and playing. All
                                               children spend
Each year we hold fund raising events e.g      part of the day
Christmas raffle and sponsored walks and       outside, so during
families are asked to support their child’s    the year they will
activities by asking friends & neighbours to   need wellingtons
sponsor your child. All children benefit from  and a warm coat.
the money we raise. So far we have bought a
soft play area, computer equipment, a large
outdoor climbing frame and wheeled toys for
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