P. 15
Other Information
Educational visits and charging policy
All children take part in regular educational visits linked to work
being done in the curriculum. These range from a short walk to
the local shops to day visits and sometimes residential holidays.
Full details of all trips will be given well in advance of the visit. In
accordance with the 1988 EducationAct the school governors
have agreed that parents can be asked to make a contribution
towards the cost of any activity that takes place during school
Spare clothes
After a busy day at school it is normal for children to come
home with dirt or even paint on their clothing even though they
wear protective clothing. Many of our teaching and learning
experiences inevitably involve getting messy and dirty.
However, we will change your child’s clothes if necessary. To
help us please bring in a set of spare pants, socks and trousers,
which we will keep on your child’s peg. It will also help if you
label all items of clothing, especially jumpers coats, hats,
gloves, shoes and wellingtons. If your child does not have a
spare set of clothes then we will contact you to ask you to
bring a spare set of clothes to school to change your child.
Parental Involvement
Parents are always welcome in the school and encouraged to
take an active interest in what takes place in the Nursery, as we
firmly believe that your involvement will benefit your child. We
hope that you will feel free to ask about our activities and help
support us whenever possible. There are many ways in which
you can become involved in the life of the school, even if you go
to work. Some of the ways to be involved at home or school are:
Sharing a book, joining us on visits, playing games, e.g. lotto,
snap, talking and listening in imaginative play, supervising
woodwork, cooking, playing an instrument and many more!
Parent consultation meetings
Although we are pleased to talk to you at the beginning and
end of each day, we also hold parent consultation meetings in
which we invite you to come and talk to the staff about your
child’s progress.