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How Can We Help You?
Staff are readily available to give Book andToy Library
confidential support to individual parents
on request. We cannot solve all life’s We have an extensive book and toy
problems but may be able to suggest a library. There is no charge for this although
way forward and where to seek help. we do ask for a fee of £2.50 per family for
registration, which includes a book bag. For
Support is given to families by a Key information about Toy & Book library please
worker. This support helps parents to speak to a member of your child’s room staff.
support their child’s development at home
and run on a friendly relaxed basis. Governing Body
Resources Room The Nursery has a governing body, which
meets on a half-termly basis. It exists to
This is situated upstairs and has many support and advise the work of the
recycled items that can be used at nursery. Nishma Patel is our chair.
home by parents and children. Items of governors .
are available at any time.
Parents information
We would hope that your child will have a
Information for parents is displayed in happy time at Brearley. If anything does
the entrance hall, and outside each class- worry you we would hope to resolve this
room. A member of staff will be availa- with an informal discussion. However, if
ble at the end of each day to keep you matters cannot be resolved there is a
informed about future events and items complaint procedure in place.Asummary is
of community interest. on display on the parents’ notice board.